Thursday, January 3, 2013

Bubble Pop Method

When a player downloads HKoM-E for the first time they have to play through the tutorial.  Once they complete this their city is created on the map.  When created it is protected for seven days by a bubble.  Once this bubble pops after the time expires they are vulnerable to attack.  The problem is that some people do not return to their city after the tutorial and the city goes dormant.  These dormant cities retain their bubbles until the creator of the city returns and logs in.  If the owner never does this then the problem persists that there are all these cites sitting around the server that can't be attacked.  The developers saw this as a possibility so they built a way into the game that allowed us to pop those bubbles to take their resources.  Now I will share this method with all of you reading this post!

Step 1- Go to your map and look at all the cities in your immediate area.  You will notice that many of them have bubbles.  Now click on one of them.  Nine times out of ten the city you click on will be level 2 (this is the level that all cities are at when they are abandoned after the tutorial).  Now write down the city's coordinates.

Step 2- Go to your Muster Point. Select [march troops].  The button to attack should be the default selection but if it is not make sure it is selected and enter your attack coordinates that you wrote down (verbatim) then hit [next].  Now select your Hero (the highest ranking one is always best so that he gets the experience) and hit [next].  Now select your troops to send (I always send them all) and make sure you have wagons to bring back all the loot; hit [next]. On the next screen you will be given the opportunity to bolster your attack with combat runes; either do this or not, then hit [attack].

If you did everything correct the screen will go to the Muster Point start screen and you will see that your troops are marching to the city in question.  After the attack is successful you will get a mail message letting you know how the battle went and what was won.  You will also see your troops returning from battle in the March tab.  This can be done over and over again to as many bubbles you find.  If you find some that do not pop just maintain those coordinates and try them again in a few days.  Once you have popped all the bubbles around you, you can increase your search to outlying areas if you like or just use a relocation rune to try a different area...that’s what I do!

Thanks for reading everyone!


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