Thursday, January 3, 2013

Tax Rate

The tax rate effects the population of your city.  If the tax rate of your city is too high the happiness goes down which affects the population pool that you can build troops from, gather resources, occupy buildings, etc.

Strategy 1- "Wide Open" This strategy allows you to always have the entirety of your population available at all times for any activity. Change your tax rate (in your Keep) to 0%.  This will make your population rate 100% available due to the happiness being 100% also.  This method is preferred by people that like to farm their gold from other players.

Strategy 2- "Balance" This method requires mathematical adjustments.  Say you are using half of your population for the normal operation of your city.  This in turn means that you have anywhere from 30-50% idle townspeople. Adjust your tax rate till the idle population is 5%.  This should place your tax rate between 40-50%.  Now you will maximise your gold earning while still being able to do normal activities.  Be advised that as soon as you build more troops, upgrade a building, etc. you need to recheck your math to ensure you are not operating in a deficit.

Strategy 3- "Slave Driver" For a brief explosion of gold earnings you can change your tax rate to 100% and use an "Open the Gates" rune to handle the desertion of population.  If you have more than one rune you can keep using them every hour till they run out.  At this time you must lower your tax rate to at least the threshold of the "Balance" strategy to avoid further population losses.  This should generate a good deal of gold very quickly but it requires the most supervision to ensure your city recovers.

Thanks for reading everyone!


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